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Roses but not the same
It is intriguing that despite everything we know, we repeatedly attempt to capture transient things. I suppose that's what makes those things so...
The power of ‘It’s okay’
After an upsetting event the two words "It's okay" can offer much comfort. I've been the recipient of this easement, both at times of true distress...
Winter solstice
The shortest day, the day that offers us the least light of all of the days of the year is today. On this, the astronomical beginning of winter,...
Some of Us Just Fall
Some of Us Just Fall: On Nature and Not Getting Better. Polly Atkin's very personal book, Some of Us Just Fall, is an intricate memoir of a person...
The grey of the slate and of the mountains in the haze
The grey of the slate and of the mountains in the haze and of the stratocumulus filled sky is a far cry from the grey of the roads and of the walls...