Goodbye to October, the chameleon and the crown of the season. A month when we can nostalgically forget the dark, rainy days and delight in the life-giving glow of decay.
It’s no coincidence that this beginning of the end sparks inspiration, a time to wonder who we can be next.
Fungi appear all around, signposting the shift in the air and reassuring us it’s ok to let some things go.

A quiet reverence falls around and walking through the woods, the swoosh of fallen leaves and crunch of rusted pine needles under foot are the loudest sounds. Even the busiest creatures work almost in silence now, focussed and intentional. It’s only the flick of a silver brush tail or shadow of a black, glossy wing that gives them away.
Goodbye to October. We’ll spend more time indoors from now. Our thoughts might become a little more introspective too. I know mine do.