Oh You Pretty Things!

Mar 17, 2017 | Food, Joy, Making

Last month I was delighted to be invited to bring my edible flowers to ‘Oh You Pretty Things!’ A retro kitsch styled wedding photo shoot lead by photographer Becky Ryan and with a wonderful team of local wedding suppliers.

Edible flowers on wedding cake and in wedding cocktails

It was the lovely, talented wedding cake designer and baker Natasha from The Sweet Stuff who asked me to supply spring flowers for her wedding cake and having worked with her before I jumped at the chance. The bright colour palette of the edible tulips, primroses and violas worked perfectly with the pastel buttercream and macarons.

Edible flowers on the wedding cake

We added fresh edible flowers to the cocktails and champagne too, because who wants wedding drinks without flowers?

Edible flowers in wedding cocktails

The shoot was inspired by Becky’s Palm Springs holiday and the growing popularity of less traditional and more individual, imaginative weddings. So, bring on the colour and enjoy the dreamiest styling, the coolest brides and the sweetest cake and macarons you ever did see…

Welcome to our wedding sign
Edible flowers for a wedding cake and cocktails in Nottinghamshire
Wedding table with edible flowers in cocktails
Edible flowers at wedding breakfast
Retro brides at Ollerton Pumping House
Edible flowers with wedding dessert macarons
Retro brides at Ollerton Pumping House

Wedding supplier credits

Photography – Becky Ryan Photography beckyryanphotography.co.uk
Edible flowers – The Flower Deli
Cake and Macarons – The Sweet Stuff thesweetstuff.co.uk
Venue – The Pumping House, Ollerton thepumpinghouse.com
Dresses – Bella Figura bella-figura-shop.co.uk
Floral Design – BloomingWild Flowers faceook.com/bloomingwildflowers2016
Hair and Hair accessories – Pin Up Curl pinupcurl.co.uk
Styling – Orange Tree Weddings orangetreeweddings.co.uk
Make Up – The Vintage Beauty Parlour bethanyjanedavies.com
Garters – Extra Special Touch extraspecialtouch.co.uk
Large flower fascinator, pink floral headband & ice cream clutch – GG’s Pin-up Couture
Wedding Stationery – With Love Wedding Stationery withloveweddings.co.uk
Jewellery – Splendette splendette.com
Models – Tiffany Hunt and Raquel Bonkowski Campos

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